International Bar Association (IBA) Annual Conference – Seoul, South Korea

22nd  To 27th September 2019

John Wilson will be attending the Annual IBA Conference in Korea. The IBA’s Annual Conference is the central event of the international legal community’s calendar as it presents an unequalled opportunity to exchange knowledge and to create and renew a global network of colleagues and business contacts. The 2019 program will include over 200 sessions, which culminate in the inspiring Rule of Law Symposium. As always, there will be outstanding showcase sessions and the committee sessions will offer the chance to hear from the best experts in the field and will benefit all delegates, whichever your area of practice.

John is Co-chair of the IP and Entertainment Committee. The IP and Entertainment Committee will lead the following discussions:

  • The many faces of online infringement
  • Battling ninjas, chefs, and finding your perfect date shows: TV formats in East Asia and elsewhere
  • Mirror mirror on the wall: a reflective view of IP and other issues in the industry
  • Man versus machine
