Author Archives: JWPwordpress
Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia – ALERT
On 29 April 2020, the Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO) issued a notice (read here). extending the closure of its operations until 12 May 2020. This is in line with the Prime Minister’s announcement on 23 April 2020 extending the movement control order to 12 May 2020.
We summarise the notice below:
01. MyIPO’s customer service counters across the country will close until the end of the movement control order and will not be accepting applications filed manually or other physical documents.
02. Deadlines for responding to office actions (e.g. appeals, oppositions and payments) falling within the period of closure are extended to1 June 2020.
03. Hearings for trademark, patent and industrial design matters during the period of closure will be postponed and rescheduled.
04. Programmes including seminars and workshops during the period of closure will be postponed and rescheduled.
05. Requests for certified true copies of documents will be unavailable.
Patents and Industrial Designs
06. MyIPO’s IP Online Search & Filing remains operational.
07. Filings for new PCT applications can be made via WIPO’s IP portal (see here). The guidance for creating an account can be found here).
08. Applications that are filed manually and involve priority dates which have expired (or will expire) during the period of closure may be filed by 18 May 2020.
09. Deadlines for renewing patents and utility innovations which fall within the period of closure are extended to 1 June 2020.
10. All renewal deadlines for industrial designs are extended to 1 June 2020.
11. MyIPO’s IP Online Search & Filing remains operational for only new trademark applications. Specifically, applications filed via the Madrid System will be unavailable.
12. Applications that are filed manually and involve priority dates which have expired (or will expire) during the period of closure may be filed by 18 May 2020.
13. Renewals for trademarks that have expired between 27 December 2019 and 31 May 2020 are extended to 1 June 2020.
14. The public is also referred to the Practice Direction No. 1/2020 (see here). which came into force on 24 April 2020. The Practice Direction sets out the procedure and requirements for payments made under the old Trade Marks Act 1976 and the present Trademarks Act 2019 through bank or interbank transfer.
15. Voluntary notifications of copyright will be unavailable.
Special Notice
As judicial and legal services are not essential services, our business premises will be closed and our lawyers and staff will be working remotely during the period of closure.
If you have any questions regarding the above or would like to reach us for a new matter or learn about our business continuity plans during the period of closure, please contact your relationship partner or lawyer in the usual way.
MSI Subcontinental Meeting – Delhi
21st March 2020
John Wilson will be attending this meeting. Topics such as members firms, cyber security, recruitment, planning, governance and MSI strategies and the way forward will be discussed.
IBA Mid-Year Meeting – Vilnius
20th To 23rd May 2020
This year the event is open up for IBA senior leadership and officers of IBA sections, committees, fora and subcommittees.
AIJA – Lyon
27th To 30th May 2020
AIJA is committed to defend and take active part in promoting core legal principles, such as the rule of law and human rights principles. While respecting the integrity of each civilized society of the world, a particular aim of AIJA is to advance cross-cultural understanding between members and other participants in the legal profession as a whole.
IAFL Annual Meeting – Norway
03rd To 07th June 2020
This year the Education Programme for the International Academy of Family Lawyers Annual Meeting is being led by Suzanne Kingston (England), Alice Meier Bourdeau (France), Else-Marie Merckoll (Norway) and Dr Kerstin Niethammer-Jürgens (Germany).
IBA Mid-Year Conference – Sweden
04th To 05th June 2020
The 16th Annual IBA Competition Mid-Year Conference will be held at Stockholm, Sweden for the year 2020. The Annual Mid-Year Competition Conference is a key event where the latest developments in global antitrust enforcement, policy and thought leadership are discussed. Every year, the main areas of competition law are addressed so that the audience remains informed of the most important recent developments and expected trends in the field of antitrust.
LAWASIA – Mongolia
07th To 10th September 2020
The conference is a platform for the convergence of bar leaders, jurists, professional organisations and individual lawyers from across the Asia Pacific, and is designed to facilitate the discussion of regional developments in law, including such issues as judicial practice, legal education and cross-border dispute resolution.
IBA Retreat – Miami, US
29th To 31st October 2020
John Wilson and Elsie Carolin will be attending the retreat this year. The retreat takes place annually before the main IBA Annual Conference. These retreats give the officers a chance to meet and get to know each other. A business meeting to plan the work of the Committee during the year is held. The event is generally well attended.
IBA Annual Conference 2020 – Miami, US
01st To 06th November 2020
John Wilson will be attending this conference.
AIJA Half-Year Conference – Dubai
17th To 20th November 2020
The AIJA Half-Year Conference will provide the attendees with the opportunity to join AIJA and Dubai’s diverse and multi-lingual legal community for a top-notch academic programme focusing on business in the Middle East, the hottest topics in international litigation, and energy in the age of renewables.