John Wilson

Experts shed key insights to boosting EU-SL economic partnership

John Wilson lead the discussion on investment in Sri Lanka on behalf of the European Chamber of Commerce Sri Lanka during the recent meeting with top diplomats, investors and economists. Read more


2020 Employment Law Review for Sri Lanka

2020 Asia Employment Law Quarterly Review as at end 31th December 2020. To read more


Mapping the Trends 2020 – Amendments to the Wages Boards Ordinance

In 2019, Act no. 14 of 2019 certified on 24th September 2019, amended certain provisions of the Wages Boards Ordinance. The significant amendment is the repeal of the former section 59A which related to a situation where, by way of trade or for a commercial purpose, one person arranges to have work performed by another […]


KEY DEVELOPMENTS FOR 2019 – Shop and Office Employees and Maternity Benefits Ordinance

The Shop and Office Employees (Regulation of Employment and Remuneration) Act and the Maternity Benefits Ordinance have been amended by Acts nos. 14 and 15, of 2018, respectively, both of which were certified on 18 June 2018 to include: • The removal of the limit of eighty-four working days paid maternity leave in respect of […]



Response to Covid-19 Affecting nearly all countries worldwide, the outbreak of the COVID-19 disease that began in Wuhan – China in December 2019 is now taking over the world by storm. An information hub for all things COVID-19 related, this website is designed to help citizens stay in touch and also be updated on accurate […]


Amendments to the Employment Act in Sri Lanka

We have recently contributed to a paper published by a major International Law firm on the employment and remuneration regulations in Sri Lanka. The Shop and Office Employees (Regulation of Employment and Remuneration) Act and the Maternity Benefits Ordinance have been amended by Acts nos. 14 and 15, of 2018, respectively, both of which were […]


Employment Termination Survey April 2019

John Wilson Partners have participated in this survey. We hope you will find this publication useful and relevant. The information in this publication is meant as an overview and does not constitute legal advice. If you have any questions on the law in any of the jurisdictions, please contact the relevant member firm, who can […]


Significant rulings on Employment Law in Sri Lanka

In an interesting ruling in the first quarter of 2017, in the case of NGA Wijenayake v International Construction Consortium Ltd.,[SC Appeal 88/2010], the Applicant-Appellant (former) employee had filed an application in the Labour Tribunal alleging wrongful termination of employment by the employer. The Labour Tribunal had ordered compensation equivalent to two years salary. The […]


EU data protection law has come a long way over the last two decades.

EU data protection law has come a long way over the last two decades. Regulation (EU) 2016/679, (the General Data Protection Regulation, or “GDPR”), which replaces Directive 95/46/EC, (the “Directive”), was published on 4 May 2016 and was the culmination of a four-year legislative process. It will enter into force in May 2018. The GDPR […]


The Foreign Exchange Act no. 12 of 2017 which abolishes the Exchange Control Act was brought into operation with effect from the 20th of November 2017.

The Foreign Exchange Act no. 12 of 2017 which abolishes the Exchange Control Act was brought into operation with effect from the 20th  of November 2017. Regulations implementing the provisions of the Act have also been gazetted. The new Act liberalizes foreign exchange control to some degree although there still remain considerable restrictions on persons […]


The Revocation of Irrevocable Deeds of Gift on the ground of Gross Ingratitude Act, no. 5 of 2017 took effect on the 4th of April, 2017.

The Revocation of Irrevocable Deeds of Gift on the ground of Gross Ingratitude Act, no. 5 of 2017 took effect on the 4th of April, 2017. The new Act provides that an irrevocable deed of gift may be revoked on the ground of gross ingratitude, only on an Order made by a competent Court, in […]


On 19.06.2017., a draft new Inland Revenue Act was published in the Government Gazette.

On 19.06.2017., a draft new Inland Revenue Act was published in the Government Gazette. The new Act brings about significant changes in taxation in Sri Lanka including the introduction of capital gains tax and has extensive anti- avoidance provisions and transfer pricing provisions. It is expected that the Act will be presented to Parliament in […]